Friday, February 19, 2010

High School Reunion

Recently I met some girlfriends from high school for a reunion. From the left:
Cally, Raylene, Jan, Nancy, Linda, Joyce and Maxine. It started out to be a bigger group but for one reason or another several were unable to attend. We've been out of high school for almost 38 years now!!! We still look 18 though don't we??

I'm Almost Ready!!

Gigi is going to skip the crawling stage and go straight to walking. This is the game she plays with her mom. She will alternate between standing in front of the couch and leaning on the couch. Next step . . . taking a step!!

Happy Valentine's Day

Chloe and Audrey had a great time frosting Valentine Cookies at Grandma's house. Audrey loved the sprinkles and piled them high with candy on top! (she, however, doesn't like cookies with frosting or sprinkles on them - she insists on plain cookies to eat) Chloe loves the frosting and candy though, so she made sure that the cookie she was going to eat had wall to wall frosting AND candy! They had a ball!!